Well, i must say one thing....
It was a cold afternoon in Brooklyn, New York. The 9's were set trippin' as usual, and the Blood and Crips were settling an age-old qualm over who stole the ginger ale from old Muma's larder. "Funny life this," Jimmy thought, as he almost tripped over a sleeping tramp. "Why was he here?", he continued to think "Wasn't I in New Orleans not a fortnight ago?". He began to focus on his itinerary once again, until, wait what was this?
Barry and the gang were walking down the street armed with AK's and 9 mms. So, Jimmy and his Afro-American sidekick Big Square said "Hey, let's bust up these foo's". So they pulled out their Tec-9s from their sides and began to open fire, when all of a sudden, you wouldn't believe what happened, Jesus himself came down from the heavens, armed with what looked like dual M4's (he can do that you see, being Jesus and all), and began to rip Barry and his posse to shreds. As Barry tried to run away, Jesus ran after him with his God-like speed, picked him up by his underwear, and launched him into the bins down 5th Street's back alley. So then, he gave Jesus a high-five, and Jesus said "anytime brudda!", and then they all went home to watch Celebrity Squares and eat popcorn.